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The Church of the UnReverend might sound a little funny or UnSerious– and that’s OK. Our name was designed to be lighthearted, fun, and disarming.
Our governments are full of superstition, with knee-jerk policies openly justified in the name of mystical beliefs. Lately, for example, the news is full of laws forcing doctors to break their ‘do no harm’ oath by forbidding them from providing well-established medical reproductive and gender care. This is bad enough, but it’s worse than that. The most devastating threat may just be that it’s considered impolite or inappropriate to challenge politicians on their positions when they hide behind faith claims.
One such offender is Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt. Recently, he defended that state’s abortion ban by ejaculating into the public arena that “God has a special plan for every single life.”
Sadly, we’re so used to people saying dumb things like this that we barely even notice, anymore. But it’s time we paid attention and got un-used to hearing them. Imagine that Stitt had said, instead, “The Cosmic Sprites use every single life as they please.” These statements are virtually identical in both their construction and their meaning, and their silliness really pops out when we swap out the god we’ve been numbed to hearing about.
We must be able to talk about bad ideas and sloppy thinking without it being seen as impolite. It’s like having spinach stuck in our teeth: if nobody says anything, how are we supposed to figure out that our ideas are bad or our thinking is sloppy? But if we’re told, if we’re asked to explain, think things through, and make clear arguments to defend our position, then we can better understand why we believe what we believe– or we can change our minds when we discover we’ve been missing something.
The Church of the UnReverend is here to challenge sloppy thinking and– more importantly– to take religious ideas down a notch, removing the veil of reverence and sanctity so that we can freely discuss and assess all claims about the world.
Because it matters.
Reality matters, learning and thinking clearly matter. And The Church of the UnReverend is building tools and a community to help you and others think and speak clearly. We shake things up and are proudly UnReverend to ideas and respectful of everybody, regardless of their current beliefs.
Don’t leave it up to others. Help restore civil conversations. Give and expect reasons. Hold politicians, friends, and family accountable for what they believe and say. Make the world a friendlier place for curiosity and evidence-based solutions that actually improve our lives– or at the very least, do no harm.
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